Friday, July 31, 2009

Things/Behaviour NOT to Do In Public- Two

Napkins and Serviettes
  • What is the use of a napkin or serviette?
  • Surprisingly, many of you do not know that this small table linen (or paper made) should always be placed to the right of the place setting. When food has been placed at the table and before starting to eat, males and females are to place the serviette on their lap
  • Always use a napkin or serviette, not your arm or clothing sleeve! As you use your napkin, do not keep replacing it to the top of your dining table. Do you realize how unsanitary and terribly unaesthetic said napkin looks after several food/mouth swipes? Place the napkin on your lap and return it after each wipe. Do not use the napkin to wipe or swipe as if you are drying with a bath towel or washing a baby's bottom, rather use discrete dabs to both corners of your mouth.
  • A napkin is also meant to protect your clothing from those embarrassing drips and stains that map your trips and contents at the trough
  • Napkins are definitely NOT used for blowing your nose or cleaning ears at the table or wiping perspiration from your forehead or neck! Do these in the washroom.
  • After everyone in your company has finished dining, then you may gently place the napkin on top of your plate.
  • If you accidentally drop your napkin, have the server replace it with a clean one.
  • If you are walking by a table and you want to catch the attention of someone, purposely yet discretely drop your napkin beside their table and have them pick it up for you while maintaining eye contact and thanking them.


  1. These etiquette posts are boring and make you come off as a pretentious tight ass. Stick to reviewing interesting establishments in Victoria and maybe people will actually read this blog.

  2. You use the term 'pretentious tight ass' as if there is something wrong/negative about that.

  3. Anonymous, you come off s one who would blow their nose on napkin.

  4. Thank you for your comment. I can see you are confused. A napkin is different than a tissue. I would use a tissue to clean my nose [in the washroom, not at the table].
